这都有条目台词功力惊人I don't know the details. I don't care the unproved statements. Up to now, he is one of the most excellent actors to me. Even all the content of accusation is true, he is still a great actor who commited a crime to me. @2019-06-07 00:38:39
james may一如既往地幽默和有魅力但是amazon的制片团队实话讲实在是品位欠佳lack of class and lack of taste他们不是英国人或美国人他们是互联网人只分美籍互联网人和中籍互联网人等等top gear三人离开了bbc的英国幽默土壤之后都在努力地适应美籍互联网人打造出的扭曲新世界心酸